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At the core of Eleanor's work is speaking and teaching. She has extensive experience teaching workshops, leading seminars, has been the keynote speaker for retreats, and spoken for organizational special events.

She provides an expert-level of knowledge, a warm and engaging presentation style, and content targeted to meet the learning and development needs of the participants.

Topics include:

  • Fatigued to Flourishing

  • Get a GRIPP 

  • Compassion Fatigue in Helping Professionals

  • Enneagram: A Tool for Growth

  • Enneagram and Self-Care

  • Customized workshops tailored to your organization’s needs



Eleanor is a university trained, ICF credentialed coach that believes coaching is a partnership between a client and a coach. She is highly skilled in coaching clients dealing with burnout and compassion fatigue. She is also very capable in assisting clients with specific professional projects, personal goals and transition points in their life. She assumes that individuals are capable of generating their own solutions, with her providing thought-provoking, powerful questions to assist the client in self-discovery and developing plans of action that will help the client reach their desired goals. She is not a counselor but someone who encourages and supports clients. She helps clients analyze their current situation, identify existing and potential challenges and obstacles, and devise a plan of action designed to achieve specific outcomes. In her coaching relationships with clients, her focus is on action, accountability, and follow through. 


The Enneagram is a personality typing system that is very effective in facilitating one's ability to grow personally, in relationships and work settings. Increased self-awareness is key to learning to manage the challenges of burnout and compassion fatigue.

Enneagram training will enhance a work environment where team members are known and appreciated for what they uniquely bring to the team. Enneagram knowledge will also help identify potential pitfalls within the team dynamics and will provide language for team members to use to prevent and handle team conflict.


The YouScience assessment is the only personalized aptitude-based college and career guidance solution available. An aptitude is an individual’s natural ability to learn or perform in given areas. Aptitudes are not the same as interests, personality, or learned skills, which are environmentally dependent and change over time. Knowing aptitudes makes the connection between education, career, and life relevant. The YouScience assessment is the only personalized aptitude-based college and career guidance solution available. 

My Approach
Image by krakenimages

My Approach - Get A GRIPP

My Approach - Get A GRIPP

GRIPP was born out of experience in working with helping professionals at risk for or dealing with burnout and compassion fatigue (CF). Through these relationships, as well as extensive study, the five steps outlined in GRIPP were recognized as effective. The concepts have proven to be helpful with burnout and CF prevention and treatment.


G - Grieve
Before we can move forward, we have to acknowledge where we have been,
what we have been through, and grieve for what we have lost. By bringing our
hurt into the light and identifying how we have been wounded, we will be able
to move forward without ignoring or hiding our grief.

R - Reflect and Remember
Pain can make us forget why we are doing what we are doing. We remember
the beginning of our journey, reflecting on the choices we made and the people
and situations that influenced those choices. Through this process, the spark
and fire of our original passion and mission can be recalled and rekindled.

I - Investigate
Cognitive behavior theory says that what we believe affects how we feel which
affects what we do. It is vital to investigate what we believe to be true in order
to understand how those beliefs are guiding our actions and to evaluate the
legitimacy and factuality of our beliefs.

P - Plan
To move from where we are to where we want to be requires action and action
requires planning. Without a plan, we remain stagnant, perpetuating the
actions that maintain our current state of well being. The planning phase
outlines proven methods for outlining and following actionable steps toward
the goal of improved health.

P - Partner
Growth rarely happens in a vacuum. Accountability is a proven factor in
maintaining and reaching goals. Without the presence of partnership, the
crippling belief that we have to “go it alone” will continue to limit our ability to
heal and grow.


GRIPP can be used in several different ways to help combat the
devastating consequences for burnout and CF.


One Day GRIPP workshop

The One Day workshop is designed to
explore and work through each of the 5 steps of the GRIPP process for
dealing with Burnout and Compassion Fatigue. Meditation and
Gratitude Exercises are included as well as an introduction to
developing a personal mission statement. Participants will be given
journaling instruction and small group interaction is a key component
of the workshop.


Two Day GRIPP workshop

This workshop is designed to take
a deep dive with each of the 5 steps of the GRIPP process. The two
days provide time, space and support to practice meditation
techniques, begin gratitude journaling, and develop a personal mission
statement. Small group time will be provided for sharing work history
stories, personal expectations that are hindering personal growth, and
self care plan challenges.


Organization Consulting 

Our desire is to help organizations
incorporate the GRIPP process into their systems of caring for their


Individual Coaching

Use the GRIPP process in individual coaching

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